Connecticut Restaurant Week

CT-Restaurant-Week-2014-at-Max-5 copyOctober 13th thru October 19th, 2014 Max Restaurants will be offering
Multi-course Prix Fixe Menus for $20.14 and $30.14
Take A Look At Our Menus and Make Reservations!

Executive Chef Chris Sheehan of Max Downtown shares a restaurant week recipe with Scot Haney and Kara Sundlun of Better CT

 WFSB 3 Connecticut


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CT Chef To Farm Week at MAX!

From the farm to the table. An everyday occurrence at a MAX restaurant.
In celebration of all the farmers, cheese makers, bakers & culinary artisans
MAX’s chef have put together a special menu for you, highlighting all
the goodness, right in your own back yard.
For all the delicious details, visit us here!


Ihr Top aktuelle Angebote, Rabatte und Aktionen : lidl prospekt, real prospekt, aldi nord prospekt, kaufland prospekt, netto marken discount prospekt

Taste of the Suburbs!

Taste-of-Suburbs-2014-EDITFor more information or reservations:
Max’s Oyster Bar 860.652.3474
West Hartford
Make Online Reservations Here

Max A Mia 860.677.6299
Make Online Reservations Here

Max Burger 860.232.3300
West Hartford

Max Fish 860.652.3474
Make Online Reservations Here

Max Amore 860.659.2819
Make Online Reservations Here


Ihr Top aktuelle Angebote, Rabatte und Aktionen : lidl prospekt, real prospekt, aldi nord prospekt, kaufland prospekt, netto marken discount prospekt